Rachel Wenna England is a 23-year-old semi-professional sports person who enjoys planking, listening to music and jigsaw puzzles. She is smart and bright, but can also be very greedy and a bit cowardly.

She is English who defines herself as straight. She started studying sports science at college but never finished the course. She is a vegan who is allergic to peanuts. She has a severe phobia of ducks

Physically, Rachel is in good shape. She is tall with light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young.

She is currently in a relationship with Roger Matthew Ellis. Roger is 14 years older than her and works as a novelist.

Rachel’s best friend is a semi-professional sports person called Donna Hicks. They are inseparable. She also hangs around with Garrett Barker and Regina Montgomery. They enjoy stealing candy from babies together.